How a cracked tooth can cause a toothache

Elderly man in dentist's chair without fear waiting for treatment of their teethIf your dentist has evaluated your smile and determined that you have a cracked tooth, it is essential that you speak to him or her about the options available to treat it. A cracked tooth may or may not be fixed, depending on the situation. During an evaluation with the team at McDowell Dental Group in Abington, PA, patients can learn about their condition and speak to a professional about the treatment options available to them.

What are the signs of a cracked tooth?

A cracked tooth can be mild to severe, depending on how large the crack is and whether or not it goes down underneath the gums to the roots of the tooth. During an evaluation, Drs. Gary and Ashley McDowell will perform a series of x-rays to take a look at the health of the tooth, and may perform a physical evaluation to determine the extent of the damage. Most patients with a cracked tooth may experience certain symptoms, including discomfort when eating or sensitive teeth that respond with pain when enjoying foods and beverages that may be hot or cold. This may also be a sign of a cavity, which also needs an evaluation and treatment.

How is a cracked tooth treated?

If the tooth is considered repairable, the dentist might suggest solutions such as the placement of a dental crown. Dental crowns are porcelain “caps” that can cover the tooth structure and offer protection from further damage. Crowns are commonly used in general and restorative dentistry. They are made of porcelain and fabricated to match the patent’s existing teeth to ensure they look as natural as possible.

Schedule time to speak to the team at McDowell Dental Group

Drs. Gary and Ashley McDowell of Abington, PA believe in providing patients with the care they need to achieve and maintain oral health and wellness. In addition, they provide cosmetic treatments to help in enhancing the appearance of the smile, allowing individuals to feel confident and satisfied when they smile and laugh with others. If you are interested in learning more about cracked teeth and restorations available to repair them, contact the team by calling (215) 885-0555 to request an appointment at 1047 Old York Road.

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