When it comes to skin rejuvenation, most people are in search of a long-lasting way to achieve brighter, smoother, healthier looking skin. Thanks to the newest skincare technology, you can! At McDowell Dental Group, we are proud to offer our patients a newly rejuvenating and refreshing skin tightening treatment using the TempSure Envi.
About TempSure Envi
As we age, our bodies can’t generate collagen as fast as it used to. As a result, wrinkles and fine lines form leaving you with smile lines, crow’s feet, and other bothersome creases. TempSure Envi is a new radiofrequency treatment that minimizes wrinkles and fine lines, tightens skin* and improves the appearance of cellulite. It’s safe for all skin types and levels of sun exposure, so it fits perfectly into any beauty maintenance routine, any time of year! There’s no surgery, no needles and no downtime so you can immediately get back to what you were doing and look great doing it!
How TempSure Envi Works
TempSure Envi delivers radiofrequency to gently heat your skin. Increasing your skins’ temperature for a defined, therapeutic time will trigger your body’s natural reaction to produce new collagen. The new collagen fibers are tight and dense leaving you with beautiful, younger-looking skin!
What Can I Expect?
The TempSure Envi treatment is delivered using handpieces that have been carefully designed to safely deliver radiofrequency energy into delicate areas, where your skin has become thinner during the natural aging process. This includes (but is not limited to) forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, smile lines, wrinkles and cellulite on the body. TempSure Envi has been known to give you an instant glow resulting in a smoother appearance and younger-looking skin.
TempSure Envi is a comfortable, safe treatment that doesn’t have any downtime. Patients have reported that it feels similar to a relaxing hot stone massage. You might have slight redness after the procedure which is caused by your skin’s elevated temperatures during the treatment, and will subside soon afterwards.
You will be able to return to your normal day-to-day activities immediately after your treatment.
How Long Does The Treatment Take?
Treating the entire face takes anywhere from 30-60 min. If you would like a specific area treated (e.g., the delicate areas around your eyes, forehead, or smile lines) your procedure could be completed in as little as 30 minutes! Because the collagen rebuilding process continues to work days, weeks, even months after your treatment, a series of treatments are required for the best results.
What Does TempSure Envi Treat?
Build on monopolar radiofrequency, the TempSure Envi treatment can address a variety of cosmetic concerns that occur as a result of aging. As you near age 30, your body slows down its production of collagen and other skin-supporting chemicals. This is why fine lines and creases like frown lines and crow's feet start becoming noticeable sometime around age 30 to 35. TempSure Envi is designed to address several age-related concerns, including:
- Crow's feet
- Frown lines
- Worry lines on the forehead
- Fine lines and sagging skin under the eyes
- Loose skin on the cheeks
- Fine lines and creases around the mouth
- Jowls or "softening" of the jawline
- Loose skin under the chin
- Loose neck skin
- Fine lines and crepe-like skin on the chest
- Loose abdominal skin
- Thin, wrinkled skin around the knees or on other parts of the body
How Do I Prepare For My TempSure Envi Treatment?
This radiofrequency treatment is on the conservative side, being completely non-invasive. Still, because radiofrequency heats deeper layers of your skin, you'll want to avoid certain activities and products before and after your treatment. Beforehand, we suggest that you avoid the use of Retin-A and other strong acne medications. It's important to alert your provider if you take or have taken isotretinoin in the months leading up to your radiofrequency treatment. This medication and other acne medications may make your skin more sensitive and prone to post-treatment irritation. To avoid unwanted irritation, we also recommend avoiding sun exposure. Wear SPF 30 sunscreen daily for at least a few weeks prior to your appointment. You should also leave at least two weeks between injectable treatments like Botox or dermal fillers and your radiofrequency treatment.
Do I Need To Take Time Off Work After My Treatment?
There are several benefits to receiving TempSure Envi skin tightening treatment. One is that you don't have to schedule time off to recover after your appointment. Because radiofrequency energy is absorbed by deeper layers of the skin, you may notice some redness. This usually passes after 12 to 24 hours and, if it does occur, looks more like a sunburn than a significant reddening of the skin. You can apply tinted moisturizer or noncomedogenic makeup following your treatment to minimize the appearance of redness, should you need to.
How Can I Help My Skin Recover From TempSure Envi Treatment?
The TempSure Envi treatment holds the power to rejuvenate your skin without requiring downtime or much aftercare. After your appointment, you may want to avoid excessive heat, including hot showers, saunas, hot tub use, and exercise. This can help prevent increased circulation to the skin, which could exacerbate redness. This restriction only lasts about 24 hours, so you don't have to change much about your daily routine if anything at all. To prevent irritation, and also to prolong the cosmetic benefits of your TempSure Envi treatment, it's beneficial to apply broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen daily.
How Many Treatments Are Recommended?
3 – 5 treatments are recommended about 4 weeks apart to boost the collagen rebuilding process. For optimal results, work with your provider to develop a treatment plan designed specifically for you.
How Long Will The Results From My Treatment Last?
While the results from your Tempsure Envi treatment may take a few weeks to fully appear, your skin will begin producing new collagen immediately after you’ve been treatment. As this happens your skin will begin to tighten, and patients can continue to notice improvement within a month. Generating a more youthful, vibrant look to the skin, these glowing results typical last for up to six months. Because the skin is constantly replacing itself, we recommend patients get frequent treatments after their six months have passed to maintain their desired results.
Is It FDA Approved?
TempSure Envi is FDA-approved and is the world’s first temperature controlled radio frequence platform that targets skin on the face. It is safe and requires little downtime, compared to other skin rejuvenation treatments that involve invasive techniques such as incisions or surgery.
What Is The Difference Between TempSure Firm And Tempsure Envi?
TempSure Firm is another high-level skin tightening platform that focuses on the abdomen, arms, buttocks, and thighs. With TempSure Envi, this same technology can be applied to the skin on the face in a more controlled, customizable manner, making it the perfect tool to address issues such as sagging skin or wrinkles on the most delicate parts of the face.
Schedule A Consultation
If you’re ready to achieve a younger, more radiant look, don’t hesitate to schedule your first consultation at McDowell Dental Group. Our team of doctors and dental professionals understand the importance of oral and dermatological health, and are ready to help patients in Abington, PA achieve the skin of their dreams. To schedule a consultation, click here. To reach our office in Abington, PA call 215.885.0555 to find out more info.