When you have temporomandibular joint disorder, it can make all parts of your life a lot more uncomfortable. For instance, a lot of patients who have TMJ not only experience pain and discomfort when they are chewing or opening their mouth, but they may experience ringing in their ears as well. If you have TMJ, then massage may do wonders for you— and no, we aren’t talking about getting your jaw professionally massaged. In fact, there are a few massage techniques and tips that we have for you that you can do when you start experiencing a flare up.
Apply Pressure
One of the first thing that is you can do to alleviate some of the pressure in your jaw is to apply some slow and steady pressure by just pushing on your joint. To find the spots that are really bothering you, try to find where your jaw connects, then gently apply pressure using your index and middle finger. Even though it may hurt, applying the pressure may help to alleviate a lot of it. Try pushing on it for 30 seconds and then stop for 30 seconds; repeat this for a few minutes.
Massage In a Circular Motion
Another thing that you can do is massage the joint and around your jaw in a circular motion. To do this, take your index and middle fingers (like you did when you were applying pressure) and massage it in a circular motion to help relieve pressure. When you are starting out, try to only apply a little bit of pressure. Then, work up to applying a little bit more pressure. Try to do this a few times a day.
Having TMJ is beyond frustrating, but the good news is that a lot for patients find relief by making a few lifestyle changes like avoiding trigger foods, watching stress levels, and using massage. To learn a little bit more, contact us at our Abington office today and call us at (215) 885-0555.