The worst Halloween candies for your smile

Children in Halloween costumes, trick or treatingHalloween is a time for trick-or-treating and enjoying delicious candy, but it’s also a time to be careful with your teeth. Some Halloween candies are worse than others when it comes to your oral health and wellness, and you should be aware of the potential damage some of them can do. This Halloween, work with your dentist at McDowell Dental Group of Abington, PA, to discuss the pros and cons of certain Halloween candies.

What are the worst Halloween candies for your teeth?

Here’s a list of the worst Halloween candies for your teeth, as explained by a dentist.

  • Hard candy: Hard candy is one of the worst offenders when it comes to damaging your teeth. The hard candy can crack or chip your teeth, and the sugar can cause cavities.
  • Gummy candy: Gummy candy is also bad for your teeth because it can stick to your teeth and cause decay. The sugar in gummy candy can also contribute to tooth decay.
  • Caramel: Caramel can be sticky and hard to remove from your teeth. The sugar in caramel can also cause cavities to form on the teeth.
  • Chocolate: Chocolate is not as bad for your teeth as some of the other Halloween candies, but it can still cause cavities. The sugar in chocolate can also contribute to the development of tooth decay if left on the surfaces of teeth for too long after consumption.

So, there you have it! The worst Halloween candies for your teeth, as explained by a dentist. When enjoying these candies, it is critical that you take good care of your smile afterward. Be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth well after consuming candies, and maybe consider trading in your candy through some of the buyback programs offered in the community.

Take care of your smile this Halloween!

While indulging in candy is perfectly acceptable during this holiday season, Drs. Gary and Ashley McDowell of McDowell Dental Group encourage you to book a consultation visit and learn more about ways to keep the smile free from disease and cavities, even outside of the Halloween holiday! Call 215-885-0555 to request an appointment and initial evaluation with our staff.

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