When you typically think of Invisalign, you likely think of adults. And although Invisalign is primarily used by adults, teenagers also make excellent candidates. If your child has misaligned teeth and you want to give them the confidence they deserve, consider getting them Invisalign for the following three benefits. Read on to learn more.
Confidence In the Process
Children are notorious for being cruel to other kids; especially teenagers. One of the hardest times in a person’s life is adolescence. Not only is your body going through significant changes but your social and school life can be completely nerve-wracking. And, because teenagers suffer from enough confidence issues as it is, make their life easier with Invisalign. Because Invisalign is virtually invisible, your child won’t have to worry about feeling self-conscious about sporting a mouth full of metal braces.
No Fuss
Getting your teenager to do simple things like make their bed and wash their face, is harder than herding cats. And when your child has metal braces, getting them to avoid foods like popcorn and chewing gum can seem like a full-time job. Luckily with Invisalign, your child can take out their trays before they eat— meaning that there are no food restrictions for them and no hassle for you. Leave the fuss outside with Invisalign.
It’s Fast
Depending on the severity of your child’s oral problems, they may or may not be deemed a suitable candidate for Invisalign. However, if they just have some mild misalignment issues, then Invisalign may be perfect for them. One of the best parts about Invisalign is that it’s a fast procedure— under a year on average. So, your teenager won’t have to worry about the process for too long.
Getting a straight smile is a part of having a healthy one. To help give your child back their confidence without the fuss and in a small amount of time, consider Invisalign. To learn more about Invisalign and whether it’s right for your teenager, contact McDowell Dental Group today!